#the future holds so much for her
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humming-fly · 3 months ago
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I love how Gerald was trying to keep Shadow from spoiling anything about the future meanwhile literally everything Shadow says and does around Maria is the biggest death flag ever
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demaparbat-hp · 2 months ago
In your Spitfire AU, since Zuko is looking after Lu Ten II, what happened to Ursa?
Zuko is slightly older in the Spitfire AU. He was banished at fifteen, his head a little clearer and denial a little weaker than in canon. After his first look through the Air Temples, Zuko decides that if he can't find a myth, he might as well search for the next best thing.
Finding Ursa isn't easy, but in time he makes it to a secluded house in a near-forgotten part of the world. His mom is there, older and stronger and alive.
But she isn't alone.
And Zuko, as it turns out, didn't keep the best company during his search.
When Ursa is discovered and her secrets are laid bare for assassins (for Ozai) to find, she begs Zuko to take his little brother and run. She'll do anything it takes to protect her children, even if that means leaving them behind to keep a target off their back. Ursa diverts attention from them and allows Lu Ten's ancestry to be kept a secret. She orders Zuko not to follow her again, and disappears.
Zuko is left with a little three-year-old brother to raise and a mother he cannot hold onto.
#dema answers#atla#spitfire#Spitfire AU#prince zuko#atla ursa#Lu Ten II#The Ursa/Hakoda parallels are going to be insane in this one I swear#It's okay tho#It's absolutely intentional#(The other option was killing her. But I happen to find family conflict and abandonment issues way more compelling to write)#Luckily Zuko isn't alone. He's a mess of course—and raising the little brother you never knew you had isn't easy.#But he has Uncle and (once those loyal to his father have been taken care of) he also has his crew.#Look three years into the future and you've got a six-year-old Spitfire running around the ship and giving Zuko early gray hair#Ursa will be reunited with them in the future. I just don't know when would that happen yet.#Probably post-war#She returns to her children only to come face to face with their overprotective found family (aka the Gaang)#Their reunion would be quite messy at first but...it'll all be okay#They all love each other deeply. And sometimes love isn't enough. Sometimes there are things that you can't forgive or forget.#But Ursa did everything she did because she loved them. And Zuko knows that. Zuko understands that.#(He was forced to make the same decision in Ba Sing Se—giving yourself up and leaving the people you love behind so that they're safe)#(He understands)#But Lu Ten II doesn't#He doesn't remember Ursa. Not really. He knows of her what Zuko and Uncle tell him. But he doesn't remember ever having a mother.#(Tara is soft and warm and kind to him. She holds him and takes care of him and makes sure he's well-behaved. And he loves her.)#(Is that what makes a mother? Or is it the blood you share?)#Ursa isn't much like Tara. But she loves him dearly—there's a reason he has the name of someone who was so dear to her.#She is Lu Ten's mother. Zuko's mother. Uncle's sister.#And she isn't like Tara. But she loves him even if he can't remember her.#So maybe he can learn to love her back.
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turtleblogatlast · 2 years ago
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[ cw: (temporary) piercing / ]
AU starts here!
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I’d imagine Cassandra wouldn’t make a big deal out of Leo’s newfound abilities tbh
And yes, she is in fact wearing her full fight ensemble under her clothes tyvm
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figureskatingpenguin · 1 year ago
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Marin Honda (JPN): Faded | 2023 Japanese Nationals
marin on her last nationals:
"when i touched the ice surface, i was very thankful. since the warm-up, i saw many banners and realized how many people supported me. this gave me the strength to make it to the end.
i started skating when i was two years old, and i've made many experiences both in practice and competitions. the public practice was very hard, and i thought about changing the triple combination to a double. i'm very satisfied with my performance."
although marin was injured, she decided to not withdraw and give her last nationals (and likely her last competition) her very best. to the 2016 junior world champion and perpetual champion of hearts, thank you for everything!
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silly-soup-drinker · 4 months ago
Lurien is a much stronger man than me because if i gave my whole life in service of my god because he told me the only way to protect my home was to fall into an eternal sleep and then said god ABANDONED ME I'd wake up from sheer rage
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evilmagician430 · 14 days ago
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mabeline/jonah wolf in my 2020s timeskip au! read my tags for more information about her
#first things first i think in like 2022 him and spencer def broke up at some point for a multitude of reasons#mainly that mabeline feels she's matured and has taken on a more protective/providing role in spencer's life and yet he hasnt changed 1 bit#if anything he just got worse#the breakup itself isnt over like some huge conflict. jonah just realizes one day this guy is kind of bad for me and she loves him still#but doesnt know if they really should be together so she says something like. i think we should take a break.#and the two of them arent together for most of the story in this au#on spencer's end this leads to a whole bunch of turmoil an identity crisis a situationship with maddiefriend etc#on mabeline's end he's kind of just left with this quiet longing#she's objectively doing quite well for herself but he finds himself missing something. he just wishes spencer were still with her#and hates himself for still being stuck on him but cant stop thinking about what if he gets better#so eventually by the end of the story i think they would get back together#her and spencer reunite and shes hesitant at first to accept him but he proves that he's changed for the better and learned his lesson.#and she admits to herself and to him that he loves him#i'll try to make this more cohesive if i actually write this as a fic or a comic sometime#not that i really have time for that... these days. sigh#anyways besides pining over her ex she gets up to some other stuff like starting testosterone and fursuit commissions like it says up there#as of getting back together with spencer in 2025 (?) she still lives with her parents#but she has accumulated enough mouney to like rent an apartment so afterwards him and spencer end up living together and working towards#getting enough money for a hosue#i think maybe also her and spencer become fully fledged members of P.I.E.? im thinking about the future of P.I.E. as well#toast and ghost are retired probably by this point and i think spooker and chris would become the main guys#i havent put THAT much thought into it but i think woah should be involved as like an apprentice and sue's daughter too who i will draw soo#P.I.E. experts let me know what you think the future holds for them... if you are okay with it i might use your ideas for inspiration#anyways actual tags now#venturiantale#taleblr#mabeline wolf#jonah wolf#venturiantale fanart#VT 2020s au
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shivroy · 1 year ago
few days late but would looove to hear abt ur succession oc!! i also have 1 (evil twunk bf for roman) and ws afraid that nobody else was making ocs and i would be sent to cringe jail SO i love seeing other ppl also doin the same thing!!!!
evil twunk male lover = speaking my language + important
my personal Guy i have posted about only like once is hibernian roy-wambsgans (hibs, named after the soccer team roman didn't buy, logan's team), tomshiv fan child (and an only child) who in this universe siobhan does not abort. he's taller than his dad and wishes his mom would ever look him in the eye. he's a hipster for the 2020s when he was born, and he loves his parents
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his middle name is logan (like kendall) and kendall is not allowed to see him. tom privately can't stand the sound of hibernian's voice
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acourtofquestions · 4 months ago
"You'll come back," Manon said.
It sounded like more of a threat than anything
Dorian smirked. "Would you miss me if I didn't?"
Manon didn't reply. He didn't know why he expected her to.
He'd taken all of a step, when Asterin clasped his shoulder. "In and out, quick as you can," she warned him. "Take care of Narene." Worry indeed shone in the Second's gold-flecked black eyes. Dorian bowed his head. "With my life," he promised as he approached her mount and grasped the dangling reins. He didn't fail to miss the gratitude that softened Asterin's features. Or that Manon had already turned away from him.
A fool to start down this path with her. He should have known better.
The hours that passed were some of the longest of Manon's existence.
From anticipation, she told herself. Of what she had to do.
Abraxos, unsurprisingly, found them within an hour, his reins sliced from the struggle he'd no doubt waged and won with Sorrel. He waited, however, beside Manon in silence, wholly focused upon the gate where Dorian and Narene had vanished.
Time dripped by. The king's sword was constant weight at her side. She cursed herself for needing to prove-to him, to herself-that she refused to let him go into Morath for practical, ordinary reasons. Erawan wasn't at the Ferian Gap. It'd be safer. Somewhat. But if the Matrons were there … That was why he'd gone. To learn if they were. To see if Petrah truly commanded the host there, and how many Ironteeth were present. He had not been trained as a spy, but he'd grown up in a court where people wielded smiles and clothes like weapons. He knew how to blend in, how to listen. How to make people see what they wished to see. She'd sent Elide into the dungeons of Morath, Darkness damn her. Sending the King of Adarlan into the Ferian Gap was no different.
It didn't stop her breath from escaping when Abraxos stiffened, scanning the sky. As if he heard something they couldn't.
And it was the joy that sparked in her mount's eyes that told her.
Moments later, Narene sailed toward them, making a lazy path over the mountains, a dark-haired, pale-skinned rider atop her. He'd truly been able to change parts of himself. Had made his face nearly unrecognizable. And kept it that way.
Asterin rushed toward the mare, and even Manon blinked as her Second threw her arms around Narene's neck. Holding her tight. The mare only leaned her head against Asterin's back and huffed.
Manon hadn't dwelled long on what she'd say.
And as the three hundred Ironteeth witches filed into the hall, some coming off their patrols, Manon half wondered if she should have. They watched her, watched the Thirteen, with a wary disdain.
Their disgraced Wing Leader; their fallen Heir.
When all were gathered, Petrah, still standing in the doorway where she'd appeared, merely said, "My life debt for an audience, Blackbeak."
Manon swallowed, her tongue as dry as paper. Seated atop Abraxos, she could see every shifting movement in the crowd, the wide eyes or hands gripping swords.
"I will not tell you the particulars of who I am," Manon said at last. "For I think you have already heard them."
"Crochan bitch," someone spat.
Manon set her eyes on the Blackbeaks, stone-faced where the others bristled with hatred. It was for them she spoke, for them she had come here.
jacket, then hoisting up her white shirt. Rising in the stirrups to bare her scarred, brutalized abdomen. "She does not lie."
There, the word remained stamped. Would always be stamped.
"How many of you," Asterin called out, "have been similarly branded? By your Matron, by your coven leader? How many of you have had your stillborn witchlings burned before you might hold them?"
The silence that fell now was different from before. Shaking shuddering.
Manon glanced at the Thirteen to find tears in Ghislaine's eyes as she took in the brand on Asterin's womb. Tears in the eyes of all of them, who had not known. And it was for those tears, which Manon had never seen, that she faced the host again.
"You will be killed in this war, or after it. And you will never see our homeland again."
"What is it that you want, Blackbeak?" Petrah asked from the archway.
"Ride with us," Manon breathed. "Fly with us.
Against Morath. Against the people who would keep you from your homeland, your future." Murmuring broke out again. Manon pushed ahead, "An Ironteeth-Crochan alliance. Perhaps one to break our curse at last."
Again, that shuddering silence. Like a storm about to break Asterin sat back in the saddle, but kept her shirt open.
"The choice of how our people's future shall be shaped is yours," Manon told each of the witches assembled, all the Blackbeaks who might fly to war and never return. "But I will tell you this." Her hands shook, and she fisted them on her thighs. "There is a better world out there. And I have seen it."
Even the Thirteen looked toward her now.
"I have seen witch and human and Fae dwell together in peace. And it is not weakness to do so, but a strength. I have met kings and queens whose love for their kingdoms, their peoples, is so great that the self is secondary. Whose love for their people is so strong that even in the face of unthinkable odds, they do the impossible."
Manon lifted her chin. "You are my people. Whether my grandmother decrees it so or not, you are my people, and always will be. But I will fly against you, if need be, to ensure that there is a future for those who cannot fight for it themselves. Too long have we preyed on the weak, relished doing so. It is time that we became better than our foremothers." The words she had given the Thirteen months ago. "There is a better world out there," she said again. "And I will fight for it." She turned Abraxos away, toward the plunge behind them. "Will you?"
Manon nodded to Petrah. Eyes bright, the Heir only nodded back. They would be permitted to leave as they had arrived: unharmed.
So Manon nudged Abraxos, and he leaped into the sky, the Thirteen following suit.
Not a child of war. But of peace.
#Dorian Havilliard#Manon Blackbeak#Chapter 43#Kingdom of Ash#Sarah J. Maas#1st read-readW me-read along-no spoilers please-chapter spoilers in the post&tag+more notes/quotes/ reacts/annotations/etc-ordinary dagger#would be his only weapon-and the magic in his veins-If I don't come back he said while she tied the ancient blade2her keys must go2Terrasen#the only place he could think of-even if Aelin wasn't ther2take them-them u'll come back Manon said It sounded like more of a threat than#Dorian smirked Wouldumiss me if I didn't-Take care of Narene Worry indeed shone in the 2nd gold-flecked black eyes-A fool2start down this#pathW her He should have known better-hours that passed were some of the longest of Manon's existence-Time dripped byKings sword a weight at#her sideShe cursed herself4needing2prove-2him2herself-that she had-she refused2let him go in2Morath4practical ordinary reasons Erawan wasnt#Ferian Gap Itd b safer Somewhat-He had not been trained as a spy but hed grown up in a court where people wielded smiles&clothes like weapon#He knew how2blend in how2listenHow2make people see what they wished2see-She'd sent Elide in2the dungeons of Morath-Darkness dam her it didnt#s2p her breath from escaping when Abraxos stiffened scanning the skyAs if he heard something they couldn't-& it was the joy that sparked in#her mounts eyes that2ld her-Asterin rushed2ward the mare&even Manon blinked as her 2nd threw her arms around Narenes neck Holding her tight-#Their disgraced Wing Leader; their fallen Heir-It was4them she spoke4them she had come here-Crochan bitch-hell no that's a witch queen-She#doesnt lie-UNCLEAN There the word remained stamped Would always bstamped How many of U-silence that fell now was different from be4 shaking#shuddering-Tears in the eyes of all of them who hadnt known&it was4those tears which Manon had never seen that she faced the host againManon#ifted her chin u are my people-Whether my gr&mother decrees it so or notuare my people&always will bBut I will fly againstuif need B2ensure#theres future4those who cannot fight4it themselves2o long have we preyed on the weak relished doing so It is time that we became better than#our4emothers-words shes given the13-Theres a better world out there she said again-& I will fight4it She turned Abraxos away2ward the plunge#behind them Will u-their if u die ill kill u vibe-ugh obviouslyulove each other just get over it-warned hum-my life-gratitude even softened#the witch-Shapeshifter-bye bluebell birdie-His ice-the Valg-just this once-if it keeps them alive then good enough-him&Vesta-terse-dont let#Aelin go4them either please-& the magic in his veins-his true weapon is smarts-come back-she cared her eyes say it all-Wmy life-not a fool#just in love-colds their middle name-her waiting😭-Lys would bproud of his skill-joy in wyverns is giving cuz she screamed4U like I did-Petra#their fallen Heir-a life debt-yes I had2switch2short dashes there’s just2o much going on all the time-4 them she spoke2gather2save-Asterin b#b-made-are monsters born or maid chicken egg wyvern solved-only queen-k how old r they-glory-always-my bb13crying2gether now imma cry-ur#Future is giving a better world vibes-I have seen it-a good queen-real love-u are my people-yes Manon speech-not a child of war but of peace#Manorian#The Thirteen
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reggiestein · 2 years ago
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ugggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh dies. dies. dies. dies. kisses him on the mouth. dies.
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cogitxtio · 9 months ago
Amiya filled my office with fresh flowers today.
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year ago
Reasons I love the In Dreams episode
● Peridot and Steven focus!
● It's so funny that half of the episode is about how they both hate a reboot of a show they loved so much. They basically tried to write their own fix-it fic
● Peridot is fueled by her hatred of the reboot but also having fun with Steven and doing something they could enjoy together
● Honestly, as both funny and sad this episode is, it's also the culmination of Peridot's development with Steven. Her willingness to do something fun with him but stop the moment it hurts him or causes conflict shows how far she's come and it's great
● Peridot can draw and storyboard and I love that fact
● Peridot without her visor! Peridot eyes reveal!!
● This is the last episode where Peridot gets at least half the focus, what with her and Steven being the only two characters actually featured in the episode. Yes she does show up in the remaining episodes and with a brief important moment in the last one, but to me this episode feels like a send-off to her character in a good and warm way. Idk it's special to me
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beachyserasims · 1 year ago
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♡ Intimate Moments | Judi & Rowan | GENEVA ISLAND
* Judi and Rowan are talking at the fire pits*
J: Tell me Row, how has your experience been here? I think we’re  leaving soon…
R: I think you’re right. And well, it’s been… an experience.
J: Good or bad?
R: A little of both I guess, definitely not what I was expecting though.
J: Same here.
R: You know what’s insane though? We have been coupled up since day one…
J: I know, it’s crazy to think, at least for me it is.
R: Good or bad?
J: Good, I wanted to prove to myself that I could buckle down, if I tried hard enough.
R: Well honestly, no offense Judi but, that doesn’t sound like you enjoyed it very much… More like you tolerated it. Plus, I’ve seen you with Justin and Sean… Do you wish you could have coupled up with them instead?
J: Not at all, it would have been waaayy too weird with Autumn… And Justin is totally into Jas, even if he wasn’t… I do like you a lot Rowan, I just don’t know how to be serious cause I never have been about anything really… Especially with emotions. But I want to keep trying, I just need to go slow when it comes to the seriousness of it all… I’m sorry if I ever hurt you because of my commitment issues.
R: It’s ok, I get it, at least I’m trying to…
J: I think the fact that we are together here in the end means something special, and even though I’m scared, it’s a good kind of frightened. Like the moment before you step into a big party… You know it’s gonna be worth it but the first step is the hardest… If that makes sense.
R: It does. I wanted to go slow with you too, and I think we did that. Maybe it wasn’t the most ideal path, but we made it. Our friendship is better than ever and to be coupled up with you in the end means a lot to me Judi. Whatever happens next, I’m glad we were here together.
J: Same with me Rowan.
* they hug *
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solar-nightengale · 2 months ago
also 27 and an OC of your choice? :)
HIIIIIIII!!! Honestly The OC choice was SEALED the second I saw what song you landed on for this BJBHKHLJ Soooooo have at it!! >:)))
spotify wrapped game: send me a number from 1-100, optionally with a ship or character, for a moodboard based on the song it corresponds to!
27. Nature's Light - Blackmore's Night
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itspileofgoodthings · 9 months ago
tags continued from prev post.
#and all of this is true while it is ALSO true that her songs age incredibly well#even debut or random soundtrack songs or endgame#whatever song people try to put on the worst Taylor songs list NEVER QUITE BELONGS#it doesn’t feel right. and to some extent occasionally in mercurial flashes I feel the same about her BEST songwriting list#I can never rank anything of hers ever because she can write better than she has written#if anything finds her own songwriting dead it’s what her future self will be able to achieve#and I think sometimes even the public can SENSE this about her and it’s part of why people are sooooo hard on her in a brutal way#and in a way they never are with other artists. who have reached the limits of their potential#Taylor has not reached the limits —that’s the simple way of saying it#in some way she is still figuring out the artist she is going to be#and I really do think that it is going to be absolutely astonishing#because in some ways (this is going to sound crazy) she is still distracted by her success and her tour#she’s NOT but I mean. the canon hasn’t been fully set free#there are still somehow things holding her back#and we’ve watched her outstrip so much of those early confines that fame and the business of the music industry strapped around her#we’ve seen her say ‘that doesn’t apply to me’#but actually she’s going to and she needs to and I believe she WILL continue to move into rarefied air#my mom helped me give me the final piece of this feeling (and it’s just a deep gut intuition/brain chemical thing for me)#when she said one day almost in mild exasperation: maybe one day Taylor will grow into a Dolly Parton#and something CLICKED#in my brain. and I don’t agree with my mom in terms of her non-interest in Taylor (as much as it has pained me to do so)#I think she’s worth loving and paying attention to now#but that gap that exists between people who love her and people who don’t (full time haters internet trolls do not interact)#I think it’s going to close with time as her work stretches out and out and grows and changes#like I think by the end of her career we are going to have something so astonishing#and to loop it back for a second to a previous thought. I think that’s why sometimes a taylor song can sound disjointed to me. because it#will hit the Depths of the Depth for a second. it will transcend and then it will go back to merely being an excellent pop song#those flashes are everywhere in her work but I think she is going to work and hone them into being conductors of light in a more steady way#the older she gets. does this sound INSANE. idk sometimes I think it does and then sometimes I think it DOESNt. so who knows. but yeah#it’s hard to say because I know it will read as more critical of Taylor than I mean it to be. when really I mean it with so much awe
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acourtofquestions · 8 months ago
Well, it was nice to know absolute hell awaited them and that the information about Maeve's armada was correct. But then Rowan added, "And I missed you like hell."
She smiled despite what he'd told her, pulling back to look at him. Untouched, unharmed. It was more than she could have hoped for.
Even with the news he'd delivered.
Aelin decided she didn't particularly give a shit who was watching and rose up on her toes to brush her mouth against his. It had taken all her wits and abilities to avoid leaving traces of her scent today for him to detectand the shocked delight on his face had been utterly worth it.
Rowan's hand on her arm tightened as she pulled away. "The feeling, Prince," she murmured, "is mutual."
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ectoplasmer · 1 year ago
I did not think reading about jade wanting a family would hurt me this bad but god. it hurts. it hurts sosososo much
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